Τρίτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Season 2 - Day 4 - The magical night after the feast

After a long night with my new friends from the training course we stayed up trying to see the northern lights until 2am. Finally we managed to get some photos, but again we could only see this white smoke over the city.....

So here the seminar started and i really enjoyed the energy of all the participants. With some we even got closer and hanged around although the difficulties with remembering names and the correct pronunciation :)

Anyway, after along day the international evening took place with all of us preparing all the food that we brought along. The menu included some tasty wines and drinks, cheeses, breads up to the desserts waffles, chocolates, chocolates and chocolates :)

So here we are 30 people from Cyprus, Iceland, France, Belgium, Slovenia, Poland, Slovakia, Norway, Malta, Bulgaria, UK and Germany.

The most interesting part i should say was everyone's eagerness to try the traditional rotten shark with some Brennivin and yes it smelled and tasted bad. other beautifully presented not usually digested parts of animals were also available from sour lamp, intestines and even testicles :)

Favorite Icelandinc food was the sun-air dried fish which i will take to Cyprus on my return.

The night of course continued with a Northern Light hunting with my best friends Marie and Solen. Although the night did not seem promising we gave it a try, then went for a walk around Reykjavik and ended up drinking tea and discussing about Omega-3 problems (you know)

And at 3 a magical thing happened. The girls went out for a smoke and suddenly they started shouting. I run out and the lights were above us dancing. (yes we could see them with our own eyes). Laughter, shouting, smiles, dancing and whistles followed. The experience was so magical that i did not even care for taking pictures. (OK only 3-4 from my phone, no exposure no nothing)


The lights had put a spell on us, they got us mesmerized, feeling that are indescribable. A line across the sky making swirls, dancing and moving with green and purplish colors. The show lasted for ten or more minutes. Maybe one of the strongest experiences in my life!

The following picture maybe displays what we saw.

And that was the end of an unbelievable night!! Oh yes!!!

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